We don’t need you to care
All those who utter the words:
لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله
have in common that we feel a deep pain in our hearts because of what’s going on in Palestine. Yet, simultaneously, we understand this is what Allah Azzawajal has decreed, and he is certainly the most wise. We *know* that Khayr is what will come of this, as well as anything else that happens in our life. We thank him for the trials and tribulations he’s placed on us, and we thank him for not overburdening us with more than we can carry. And their burden is most certainly heavier than ours.
For those unfamiliar with the above, allow me to relay the realisation dawning on the minds of those who are exceedingly familiar. In particular to those of you who dry heave vile poisonous propaganda publicly, or hold it in your heart privately. The realisation is exactly what was revealed to our beloved Prophet, ﷺ 1400 years ago. They will never be pleased with you until you leave your religion and become like them.
The realisation we should have never expected good from people who have sane minds but putrefied hearts. Your deeds only lead to self destruction and ruin for you and nobody but you. Your punishment will be delivered by Allah at his appointed time. Not a minute sooner. Not a minute later. Enjoy what you can while you can.
The indifferent among you are headed in the same direction. How your instinct drives you to care only for your carnal and hedonistic needs. Behaving in ways befitting of cattle and swine.
The ones who do care, know you’re not doing us any favours. Rather, you’re doing yourself a favour in keeping your heart alive. Our purpose on this world isn’t but to worship Allah. It will save you from subservience to anything other than the worthy.
As for my Muslim bretheren reading this, in our social interactions we recognise false and nonsensical objections are a sugar coated form of rejection and arrogance. Most can’t tell us they don’t care outright. They obfuscate, obstruct and obliterate any semblance of truth drifting their way. Many of us have argued in favour of the controversial proposition that are lives are valuable, and that we’re not evil. We’re not subhuman. Many of us have gone a step further in begging and pleading with the deaf dumb and blind.
No mas. No more self degradation. No more naïveté. Enough gaslighting. Enough dehumanisation. Message received. Loud and clear.
La hawla wa La quwwatan Ila Billah